
Olympics synonymous with Russian Mob?

This Olympics has been all over my social media. Usually i can say its for the sports, but this year its not. It has seemed like Russian was "behind the 8 ball" for a long time now when it has come to the construction and security of the games. Before the games started, ABC news reported on a story that said the Olympics could be a corrupt games, because of some the head sponsors and people behind the operations.

There have been many stories of hotel rooms being unfinished, water in the village being tainted, and many other problems. This makes me question why the olympic committee or how they agreed to have the games in Sochi (here for story on problems in Sochi). It seems that Putin just threw together a mountain with a couple stadiums and snow for these games. The unprofessional products that were produced from the Sochi games, could have been a result from a corrupt Russian government. Which leads me to believe that there was some corruptness in getting the games to Sochi.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, 
but if you want to test a man's character,
 give him power.
Abraham Lincoln

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