According to Gore "We're dumping 90 million tons of heat-trapping carbon pollution... into the atmosphere every 24 hours and its altering our climate." He would like to see a carbon emission tax implemented throughout the United States like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger adopted in 2006.
Gore believes the energy companies should be taxed on all their fossil fuels, which he suggest have carbon as their primary element. He further predicts these are having a direct impact on our climate changes.
However, information just released from NASA shows the ozone hole which has also been linked to climate changes was significantly smaller this year.

Most countries have reduced this emission side 1987 Montreal Protocol. They agreed to phase out ozone depleting substances.
The National Ozone & Atmospheric administration confirmed these chemicals were at their highest during the beginning of the century, but are now declining. They state the hole is based on meteorological factors and the earth changes are cyclical due to the science of nature, not necessarily man.
Although Al Gore won the Nobel Peace prize in 2007 on raising awareness for Global Warming, many speculate he has used scare tactics by over exaggerating the future of Global Warming for people to donate to his funds, and for personal gain. Here is a video disproving some of his theories. I believe Gore is trying to manipulate the publics eye, by implicating some far fetched disasters into the minds of the public. History has also shown that climate change is a natural occurrence to the earth and not determined by human interaction. Global Warming is very important to society, but our public has made and has continued to make smart decisions to ensure the safety of our environment.
"Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better."
-Albert Einstein
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