The question, "Are we bystanders?" lingers. America is known as a country that doesn't stand by and watch atrocities involving human rights, and genocide occur. President Obama has taken the position this evening to say we as Americans cannot stand by, while over a hundred thousand of innocent lives have been taken by a dictator. How do we not get involved? We were bystanders for too long during many atrocities. The most memorable being the holocaust, a few other examples are the Bosnian Serbia conflict, and Rwanda etc... Millions of people were being killed before our country decided to act. No one wants to get involved, until it's on your doorstep. I think to myself if we had involved ourselves in these horrific wars, how may innocent lives could we have spared?! Here we are again, as the opportunity presents itself with Syria, we have the chance to act and stop the killings.
“Those who fail to remember are doomed
to repeat it.”-G Santayana
Jack, Fine job blogging this term. Your posts have covered a great range of topics. I'm a little surprised that you chose your first post as the one that displayed all you have learned about blogging this quarter. More to the point: I wish you had examined the issue critically. How are you extending the conversation? Should we care about Syria because of Obama's speech alone? Why don't we intervene in all cases of human rights? Why is death by chemicals worse than the many other slaughters being perpetrated around the world?